yup..what ever things that i see i always find for the pink one 1st
same goes to handphone..i always craving for the hp that comes in pink but never found one
kalau jumpa pun x ikut citarasa
actually i want a hp that have a Wifi connectivity..
but finally my sister,Ira told me that she seen one of this Sony Ericcson model that comes in pink
so i google it straight away (at that time we're at mamak,so i google using my fiance's E71) gile x menyabar pompuan ni
and I found this
W705 in PINK!!!!!!
i was so excited to see it..it is cute right???
terus zue save pic ni dlm hp en.zas..as a reminder maybe haha
i wish i can get one for me..
by the way...
it is also comes in other colours if you're not a pink lover...ha dah cm pantun plak hehe
hmmm... i wonder if someone would give me this hp as my wedding gift or maybe for my b'day this coming January....
berangan zue...berangan....
wah dapat hantaran best tu...ehehhe
tau xpe huhu
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